Cherry Blossoms at Marpole
Been trying to take as many cherry blossom photos as we can this year. The only limitation is time and weather ^^. This time we went to Marpole to take these photos. Marpole has a lot of cherry blossom trees and we didn’t have to walk very far to have taken tones of photos.
For your reference, Marpole is in the South side of Vancouver:
[iframe,+Vancouver,+Greater+Vancouver+Regional+District,+British+Columbia,+Canada&ll=49.208473,-123.130257&spn=0.009813,0.018239&z=15&iwloc=A&output=embed 500 500]
Most of these photos were taken using the EF 50mm f1.4 lens with a Vivata polarizing filter. Strangly enough, the Vivata filter was originally bought for the Sony V1 camera we had a long time ago but we never get to use it as the front of the V1 lens is silver and cast a reflection on the interior surface of the filter. This caused photos having a bright circular reflection in the centre. After putting this filter on this lens, the effect is somewhat pleasing. The colour is a bit surreal and soft.
Hope you enjoy these photos :)
I hope we’ll catch the next wave of blossoms when they are ready :D (those type with more petals :3)
.-= chun´s last blog ..Richmond Doll Meet 2010 =-.