Vancouver Time Lapse
The Vancouver 2010 Olympic Games are just around the corner. We have another 10 days to prepare for the events and a few friends of mine are going to attend events. Lucky folks! If you are not from Vancouver and wonder what Vancouver looks like through the lens of some really great time lapse photography, here is a wonderful video I enjoy a lot.
This video is a collaboration of Innerlife Project and TimeLapseHD. If you like the music by Innerlife Project, you can find it on iTunes as well.
For more great time lapse videos, visit TimeLapseHD’s Youtube channel. I found the above video through Miss 604. Miss 604 also posted other Vancouver Time Lapse videos on her page.
Have you done any time lapse photography yourself? Any tips and tricks you can share?
Very nice. If I visit Vancouver again soon, and it doesn’t look like this I’m blaming you.
See my driving by @ 2:40? I waved.
Luckily you weren’t mooning :P LOL
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